The site is located in Kelaraabad, Mazandaran, a touristic city, famous for its perfect weather and nature. The cities in the north of Iran are mostly remembered by the slopped roofs of the houses and farms. Therefore, the most important symbols of this region are land and sloped roofs, forming a unique visual identity for this region. Lands are divisions of the connected spaces, and they are changed to small scale areas and they diverge into outdoor spaces. In such cities, you can barely find a large scale commercial space, and people usually walk through small scale shops, wandering around from a shop to another, looking for so many different items and of course finding whatever they need. In other words, commercial units are in human scale, and provide people with enough outdoor space to interact with. Slopped roofs are a part of the typology of this region, thus for the design of this project, we have chosen a transformation of sloped roofs to land.